Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Playing with Playful Ways of Knowing and Thinking

I mentioned in my 'About me' post that I have a 10-month old baby girl, so play is a part of my everyday routine. It happens whether I want us to be playing or not and is often the source of my daily laugh and annoyance. We play just because, we play to learn something new, and we play to deepen our bond as mother and daughter. As with most babies she is curious about the world, and wants to be involved in everything. So as she learns to walk I entice her with a toy, and do a lot of smiling when she gets something right. I think what I am doing with my daughter to encourage her learning through exploration is exactly what was described in All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking)I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten posted on our blog. I am encouraging her to be active in her learning, although a result often means a mess, noise, or an 'uh-oh'.

I am able to be as active in my daughter development as I am because I am a stay-at-home mom. My daughter I home with me, as well as being in daycare therefore I have more options. This is where the divide begins for many. For many families, including mine growing up, everyone has to work. So although my mother wanted to be more involved at times, the bills and her sheer tiredness prevented her from doing so. Many times educators look at children and their families and are so quick to throw an absent mother or father under the bus. They forget how hard it is for many families to survive.

With this I also see many students being left behind simply because getting connected is expensive for many. There are programs that help poor families, but when you get to much of the fine print a family that should qualify doesn't. (Comcast is a prime example).

I read this article the other day, which just so happened to be connected to what we are discussing. Why does it always seem like we KNOW what works, but refuse for one reason or another to do it?! Finland understands that allowing kids to play works, forcing them to sit doesn't, so they left well enough alone...Its seems for all of the areas this country is advanced, we are pathetically stunted in others.

Another way that I 'play' that just hit me, that i never thought about in this regard is my jewelry/accessories making. After reading  Tinkering and Thinking with Maker Kylie Pepple posted on our class blog I made the connection. Not only am I play learning when I manipulate designs, bang and burn stuff, it happens when I watch videos, post my own diy's, and attend classes and workshops. Doing all of the above feels fun, relaxing and engaging; hence the reason why I do it. As an educator I wonder how I can create an environment that makes my students feel the same way as I do when I create. How do I help students see the connection between their dreams and the idea of knowledge as a means of fulfilling them? 

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