Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday 5

I am hoping that you all had as wonderful and productive a week as I have. Here are five things I found/saw/did/randomly popped in my head this week regarding education/learning.

1. This weekend Community College of Philadelphia will be hosting a African-American Book Fair. We all know that black authors are ignored in the class, so if you are free go and check this out!

2. I re-read Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice edited by Wayne Au Bill Bigelow Stan Karp for another class I am taking. As a teacher/educator I always strive to create a student center inquire based room. However I often find myself fighting against the administrators, the curriculum, and my need to make a living. As teachers who value our students, and know what they face, how can we truly create these classrooms under this current system.....

3. The Washington Post released a report by the Network for Public Education (NPE)  giving each state a grade regarding how the treat children. The report is not surprising, and is still saddening, as no state received an A, and Pennsylvania received a D.

4. Vulture Magazine did a story on Paul Mooney entitled The Curious Decline of Paul Mooney. I have always loved Paul Mooney's cutting honesty, and wonder if any of what the author says matters. Paul Mooney has always been unapologetically himself, and has always done what he wants, so I am not sure if it is a decline or a matter of 'I'm old and I do what I want'.

5. I saw this video today called, Ten Rules for Survival. I HATE it, and want to spit just thinking about it. This video puts the responsibility of humanity on the victim, and takes all of it away from the dominant force; the police. As a mother, I want my child to be able to make it home from an interaction with the police, but lets be clear; my child can still be shot while be respectful. She can say 'please' and 'sir' and still be manhandled...where is the video for police officers?

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